Archangel Gabriel: Breathe in Acceptance
Dear Ones, we cannot express enough how important the element of acceptance is to your awakening journey.
Archangel Gabriel Read More
Dear Ones, we cannot express enough how important the element of acceptance is to your awakening journey.
Archangel Gabriel Read More
Archangel Michael has asked us to come together in the etheric each month at the time of the full moon at sunrise and moonrise. These times are chosen to increase the influx of cosmic energy upon the Earth and all its inhabitants. As more of us come together etherically in this manner as receptors and transformers for this refined energy with pure love and unselfish intent, the dynamic power of this energy will grow exponentially.
Michael has asked us to envision millions, from every country, race, creed, and color coming together at these designated times with a common purpose in mind and heart: healing the Earth and reclaiming the Divine birthright for all who reside on her.
Let us begin… Move into your sacred space and ask your Divine I AM Presence to shower down upon you the healing, transforming energies of the seventh Ray, and to activate and infuse you with the gifts of the five higher Rays of galactic consciousness.
As the sun and moon crest the horizon and pour forth their life-giving beams upon the Mother Earth, and as the great Rays of Light touch you and pour through your sacred chakra system, they will bring forth a greater infusion of the Divine Ray of the First Cause of the Creator—the energies which carry the perfect encodings and resonance of power, will, valor and truth. The sun will bear the masculine energies of the Creator and the moon, the energies of the Divine Mother.
We acknowledge and invite our beloved Father/Mother Creator, all the angelic forces, the great Beings of Light, the ascended masters, the Elohim, and particularly the Elohim Directors of the Elemental Kingdom, and the Entire Company of Heaven and Earth to join us in this grand and auspicious undertaking: THE ASCENSION OF PLANET EARTH AND HUMANKIND.
Now face the South and allow the sun’s or moon’s Rays to penetrate your chakra system…
Face the West and allow the sun’s or moon’s Rays to penetrate your chakra system…
Face North and allow the sun’s or moon’s Rays to penetrate your chakra system.
Now, face the East and allow the sun’s or moon’s Rays to penetrate your chakra system…
See your pranic tube of Light being illuminated by a shaft of golden-white Light from the Creator Source through you and penetrating deep within the crystalline core of the Earth…
Breathe deeply and rhythmically of the Prana of Life as you feel a vortex of energy build within your body. Sense a force begin to build, a whirlwind of Divine Power. Center your consciousness in your heart and feel the love for all Creation begin to permeate your Being down to the core level as you build this vortex of cosmic energy within.
See this whirlwind filled with the magic Violet Flame and a blazing shaft of magenta, centered with electric blue and a luminous white core—you are now a pillar of Light radiating the pure Essence of the Cosmic Life Force…
Move your consciousness to your third rye and then move your focus to the center of your brain. This is where you will ignite the keys and codes you carry within which are your gift and contribution to the master plan.
Radiate a shaft of Light from your solar plexus and your third eye, see them with your inner vision forming a “V” until they come together before you, approximately three feet above the ground…
Now, watch with your minds’ eye as these energies ignite and spread around the globe, connecting with those of your spiritual brothers and sisters…
Hold the vision and focus until you hear within your heart center, “It is done. It is done.”
This is provided by Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane, Sacred Scribe via her book The Golden Promise. Ronna’s website is
The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by
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